There are many reasons why a student may choose to take a gap year after high school. In the past these reasons could range from developing useful skills, to exploring and discovering interests, and preparing for college. Just recently another reason has been added to the list - low acceptance rates at some highly selective colleges. It seems the composition of who is taking a gap year is changing; students seem to be caught up in the idea that they have to be accepted to and attend a highly selective college.

Sometimes students become more desirable to colleges after taking a gap year because of their real-world experiences. In order for students to take advantage of this they need to intentionally plan out their gap year with this in mind. It is important to note that it is very rare for a college to accept a student if they were previously rejected prior to taking the gap year. As a result, if you end up taking a gap year you will want to consider a new batch of colleges to apply to.

Gap year programs can be very expensive so if you are planning to take a gap year you will need to do some research on what is feasible and makes the most sense for you. Feel free to reach out if you would like some help in this area - or 612.735.1261.