Usually when people think about attending college they are thinking about a four-year university. However, did you know you can go into a well paying career with a two-year degree?
Programs that are available at two year colleges are all programs that are considered “in demand”, which means once you complete your degree there will be jobs available for you.
Here are some examples of careers you can go into with a two year degree. Now as I go through these careers keep in mind that the average cost of living in Minneapolis is $33,000 a year, this is how much you can expect to spend on basic expenses (housing, food and healthcare).
Here are some careers that will meet and exceed the cost of living in Minneapolis:
The automotive industry. This would be a good fit for you if you enjoy hands-on projects, working with tools and machinery and solving mechanical problems. By earning a degree in the automotive field you can work at car dealerships or mechanic shops. The average salary for this type of career is $45,000/year.
You can also earn a two year degree in the construction, engineering and manufacturing area. This would be a good opportunity for you if you enjoy working with your hands, building things, fixing things and solving problems. A couple careers that fall under this program are machinists, which make about $50,000/year, a welder which makes about $45,000/year or an electrician which makes about $70,000/year.
Maybe you like helping people and working with others. If so, health sciences might be a good fit for you. Some careers you might want to look at are nursing, which averages about $48,000/year, becoming a paramedic which makes about $40,000/year or a surgical technician, these are people that help doctors before, during and after surgeries. Surgical technicians earn about $60,000/year.
There are also a variety of careers you can go into that fall under the information technology field. These people like to follow rules and routines, work with details, like analyzing data and solving problems. Some careers that fall into this category are: computer support (think about the Geek squad at Best Buy), you can make about $55,000/year in this career. You could look at becoming a network manager for $63,000/year or if you like being creative, maybe web designing is a good fit for you - you can make about $77,000/year in this career.
Do you like following routines, thinking and solving problems? If so, you may want to look into a career in the legal, administrative and management areas. You could work as a judicial reporter/court reporter - these are the people that capture the spoken words by everybody during a court proceeding, you could earn about $60,000 in this career. You could also work as a captioner for $50,000/year. Another career you could go into with this degree is administrative office specialist. These are the people that you see working as secretaries or receptionists; you can make about $58,000/year in this career.
As you can see there are a variety of well paying careers you can go into with a two-year degree. A two-year college can be a more affordable option for students than a four-year college/university. Another thing to keep in mind is once you earn your two-year degree and start working some employers may pay for you to go back to school to earn your four-year degree.
I hope you learned a little about what a two year college can offer you. Let me know if you have any questions - or 612-735-1261.