It is probably no surprise to you that the levels of student disengagement have been increasing since before the pandemic. One of the biggest challenges we face is how to combat this disengagement to get the most out of our students and help them become productive citizens. Colleges and universities have found that even though students are attending class more regularly, they are finding it difficult to stay engaged due to the many stressors they deal with everyday (The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2022).

How do we get and keep students engaged? Research has shown that much of human motivation comes from sociality. When you don’t see a connection or you don’t see the benefit of doing something you tend to become disengaged. Therefore, it is imperative that instructors keep their students engaged by connecting the material to something of value to them. The foundation to this is to build relationships with the students so you know what is important to them. It Is equally important for instructors to focus on the classroom environment. Students need to have the opportunity to connect with other students so they don’t feel so isolated. Not only can this help with staying engaged in the content but it can also help with isolation. Connecting with others is a vital skill that is needed to navigate any workplace or social situation (The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2022).

If you need help navigating your path and reaching your goal(s) reach out to me at or 612-735-1261.