Career and Technical Education (CTE) is a program that integrates core academic knowledge with technical and occupational skills. Basically, it helps prepare students for their future. Many employers in the CTE field recruit directly from high school CTE programs, this is one of the many reasons registering for high school classes is important.

Many CTE courses in high school give students the opportunity to earn industry recognized certifications before the age of 18. Secondly, employers tend to be engaged in these programs through advisory boards. As we have all heard before, sometimes it is about who you know that helps get you the job. CTE instructors in high schools have connections in the community which can help bridge the gap between high school and career.

Students who are enrolled in the Health Sciences field through CTE might be more interested in college connections and getting a head start on college credits while in high school. Many Health Science programs in high school have dual enrollment and/or credit transfer opportunities. This is a great opportunity for students to prepare for a postsecondary education while in high school.
There are many different avenues students can pursue through a CTE pathway. Students could have the goal of completing high school with industry certifications that can help land them a livable job after high school or they could have the goal of earning college credits that transfer into a certain major at a post-secondary institution.
If you would like more information or if you have questions on high school course registration you can reach out to me directly at info@atozeducationalconsulting.com or visit the Minnesota DEED website.