It is important for second year students to realize that they will likely experience an increase in academic rigor. During the pandemic many professors didn’t know how to adjust their lesson plans to a virtual experience so the rigor may not have been where it usually is or they may have extended academic grace to their students. Therefore, many students fear that they are behind and will need to get back into the practice of studying and excelling in the academic realm.
Typically the second year for college students is known as the ‘sophomore slump.’ Because of this many colleges and universities offer programs that make the sophomore year more distinctive - such as offering sophomores to work with a mentor or embarking on research projects. This year it is even more important that students take advantage of these programs to help set the foundation for success. If you are going into your second year at college I highly recommend that you seek out these opportunities (www.chronicle.com).

Not only will the academic rigor increase for these students but they will also have many more opportunities to connect with students in-person. Normally, sophomores begin moving out of the dorms and live off campus so it may limit the social interaction they would normally experience. Now is the time to start thinking about clubs and activities you might be interested in pursuing. This can help build a social network that can help support you through your college experience and get you through the college rigor successfully.
If you need help creating a successful foundation as a second year student reach out and I can help guide you - info@atozeducationalconsulting.com or 612-735-1261