Are you going to be a senior in high school or do you have a student who will be a senior in high school? If so, here are some things you may want to think about before senior year begins. First and foremost, it is important to know that feeling overwhelmed is normal. There is a lot of anxiety around the question “what do you want to do after high school?” This question takes on a whole new meaning now that senior year is around the corner. There are so many options to choose from and there are still a lot of unknowns, such as potential scholarships, ACT scores, and potential sports recruiting opportunities. All of these things take time to come together, but they will. My best advice for an incoming senior is to live in the moment and to think about what you want to do for a career. Once you identify some of your interests you can then work backwards to find the right path for you.

As senior year approaches, having patience is key. Once you (the student) figure out what you like and what you don’t, it will help narrow down options so you don’t feel so overwhelmed. My recommendation is to sit down and spend some time thinking about an action plan. In this action plan you want to indicate specific deadlines for different tasks. This will help ease up on the stress you feel throughout the year.
To help ease up on the feelings of being overwhelmed you should unsubscribe from colleges you know you are not interested in. This will help eliminate some paperwork that is sent home in the mail as well as junk mail being added to your inbox. Any little thing that can be done to cut down on some of the paperwork/emails will help.
One important tip I have learned from seniors who go on college visits is to make sure you take pictures of everything! When you go on multiple visits it is hard to remember which campus is which so make sure to document, take notes, and take pictures of everything so you can compare each campus and make an informed decision. When going on visits make sure to make a digital file for each school so you can easily go back and revisit each college on your own.

Remember, feeling overwhelmed is normal but I am here to help alleviate some of these feelings. Reach out if you would like some guidance or more tips on how to make the senior year go smoothly - info@atozeducationalcosulting.com or 612.735.1261.