If there is one thing that we learned from this pandemic it is that we need to take care of our mental health in order to lead a fulfilling life. But how exactly can we do that? At the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee a professor decided to attempt to tackle this issue. He formed a group of administrators, faculty members and students to take a look at a human centered and trauma informed practice (www.chronicle.com).
Many students feel disconnected now more than ever. This disconnection can take a toll on a student's motivation for school. It is important to put together resources and programs to help students get acclimated to a new community in order to build a sense of belonging, which is crucial for a school's retention rate.
Throughout the pandemic people likely feel disconnected due to the social isolation we experienced. The first thing that people need to realize is that this is a common feeling to experience. With all the stressors in life it is important to schedule time each day to decompress. One thing I do is schedule time in my day to reflect on my work, this is scheduled as a meeting on my calendar so I am assured I have the time needed to decompress. This has really helped in my productivity and my mental stability.
If you are at a loss of where to start and/or how to move forward to reach your goals reach out to me at info@atozeducationalconsulting.com or 612-735-1261.